Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

If your computer needs help fast Use the XP Recovery Tool

By: David Freitag



Life can be wonderful if your computer is working well and May be a punishment if it is not. There can be all sorts of problems, but some are real disasters

One of the events below indicates that your computer needs major repairs.

- Your computer does not start
- BSOD (blue screen of death) to maintain or come at the worst time
- You have a virus that paralyzes the infestation of your computer
- The performance of the computer is good and / or you have all kinds of weird errors

Analyzing the problem

The first thing to check is if the problem is due to hardware failures.

If you encounter BSOD, BSOD Techmetica list tells you which ones are due to hardware problems. They suggested a need to repair the hardware problem.

If a hard disk problem seems likely, you can use the UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD), available at UltimateBootCD to diagnose your hard drive and possibly repair.

Repair software that you might consider

You can try to repair the installation that will use your installation CD of XP to solve your problem. If successful, it will leave your programs and data intact.

This method is somewhat complicated and TECHY and not for the weak of heart. The best writing on this issue is provided by Michael Stevens Tech

You can also try a repair of stage 8 from a veteran of the Geek Squad can be found on the site Icrontic.

An automatic method

There is software available to automatically repair your computer and can not do this even if you can not start. It will cost you a small sum of money, but it is much less than what would be a repair, and it will save you hours of time. This approach makes the most sense for the majority of computer users.

Good luck with your recovery.THE PROBLEM

Life can be wonderful if your computer is working well and May be a punishment if it is not. There can be all sorts of problems, but some are real disasters

One of the events below indicates that your computer needs major repairs.

- Your computer does not start
- BSOD (blue screen of death) to maintain or come at the worst time
- You have a virus that paralyzes the infestation of your computer
- The performance of the computer is good and / or you have all kinds of weird errors

Analyzing the problem

The first thing to check is if the problem is due to hardware failures.

If you encounter BSOD, BSOD Techmetica list tells you which ones are due to hardware problems. They suggested a need to repair the hardware problem.

If a hard disk problem seems likely, you can use the UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD), available at UltimateBootCD to diagnose your hard drive and possibly repair.

Repair software that you might consider

You can try to repair the installation that will use your installation CD of XP to solve your problem. If successful, it will leave your programs and data intact.

This method is somewhat complicated and TECHY and not for the weak of heart. The best writing on this issue is provided by Michael Stevens Tech

You can also try a repair of stage 8 from a veteran of the Geek Squad can be found on the site Icrontic.

An automatic method

There is software available to automatically repair your computer and can not do this even if you can not start. It will cost you a small sum of money, but it is much less than what would be a repair, and it will save you hours of time. This approach makes the most sense for the majority of computer users.

Do you have a media policy for social organization

I am a firm believer of using the media to help productivity and organization to defend and promote the use of diverse media applications like blogs, networking sites, the wiki in my organization. Last two months I've been analyzing the time spent by my staff in these social networking sites and measuring their effectiveness against an increase in productivity or against the establishment and facilitation of business. The analysis was based on the media and its impact on productivity. Although most results are positive, but there are some areas of concern that I would highlight in this article. My analysis indicates that in some cases a high percentage of unproductive time spent on these sites that lead to loss of productivity. I'm not sure if I should have a clear policy that restricts the use of the sites or the media should take an evolutionary process by which employees do good and the bad of it and treat it accordingly. My analysis led me out

Areas of interest:

* Too much time spent on networking sites: leading to loss of concentration and loss of time. These activities include chatting with friends, update profiles of social sites like Facebook, MySpace and other sites and does not focus on the interactions Realta work.
* High usage of bandwidth for people to upload photos, presentations, videos exclusively for the purpose of adding fun element in their media adventure that leads to high bandwidth usage and time.
* Public image of the company: people will have to be very careful with what they say about your company, projects that work on your computer that are involved in as this can damage your reputation. This is very important that the world of the Internet is its potential for customers and employees
* Viral Effect: When someone receives a message / photos for the involvement of other employees and the virus continues viraling once more wasted time

My analysis has made me realize that there must be a media policy of social organization. Please do not confuse with its policy of IT as the main difference is that, ideally, you want to prevent users from abusing their IT infrastructure and therefore can not be strict, but for the media communication promotes the interaction of external and internal employees to obtain benefits for your business. In this scenario you will need to develop a policy that encourages further restrict the use of the media.

Points to consider in formulating the policy of social media:

* Explain why you need this policy, this acquisition will help get your employees
* How to provide access to their employees, the indicators can be:
Hierarchical access or Wise (Sr Manager, Manager, Juniors)
or limited use in time (one hour per day at a time or spread throughout the day)
Department wise or access
or functions to access and use (marketing, operations, customer support, PR)
* Establish mechanisms for measuring the connection of the use of social media and productivity on the basis of this access
* Create guidelines that people take responsibility for what they write about the organization
* If the employee uses the work sites representing purpose then by name of organization in comparison with the names of individuals.

I suggest you perform an exercise to measure the use of networking sites within your organization and begin to act on creating a policy for use of the media before it is too late.

If this article has to think about how to develop a media policy, these resources can help you develop social media policy for your organization:

* 30 samples of various political organizations by
* How to develop the policy of social media
* Social Media for policy Mashable
* The 10 guidelines for the media to participate in a company by Shift Communications (PDF)
* Press releases Telstra media policy social
* Guidelines on Sunday the public disclosure
* Intel Social Media Guidelines

How to Make Money With CPA Offers - partt 2 - Getting Accepted

CPA Offers - Get Accepted

As I noted in Part One, make sure you have a professional website or a blog already created.

It's always best to use your site as your mailing address. G-mail, Hotmail, Yahoo and other e-mails are often associated with spammers. Thus, using the sending of a red flag.

What is the PCA, the companies want to know is the essence of your Internet experience and how you will send traffic to CPA offers.

Sometimes, they simply reject your application based on the information that you submitted with. So, go ask someone else. Most of the time, if ever, they do not check your web stat info, so if your site more professional enough, and you have a little cream, it will not be a problem.

The phone call.

Now, it is absolutely essential that you take the call and are ready.

Response professionals, if you have an answering machine make sure it is set up for professionals.

If we ask and you are not there, they will leave a message, be sure to recall quickly. Even if you have just received their machines to leave a message. And then, if necessary. They like to see that you are pro-active.

The caller often becomes your affiliate manager, and its best to get a good relationship started immediately. They have an interest to help you succeed, they get commissions. On the road, when you have proven yourself, your case manager will be able to get a better percentage of your door and give the CIO of the offer, which the PCA to convert the best deals, etc.

The basic questions go something like this ...

How did you hear about us?

I did some research on the Internet and I saw that your company has a good reputation.

What is your experience?

Made of internet marketing for two years I have been promoting ClickBank products. (Or any other of its affiliates have treated you) They want to make sure that you are not a noob and possibly doing silly things - like spamming.

How do you trade?

I use a combination of PPC - Pay Per Click, and referencing my site to search by keywords. (If you know a little Buys media or have done your research on this topic you can say you acquired media. But to be able to file names and examples, or if requested to do so. You can want to put an end to the stupidity.)

How many unique visitors do you receive per month?

More than 30 miles per month. (If you have more to say.)

Do you offer incentives to your site?

Incentive offer where you offer to do something for the people click your ads. Just say no After all, that is what the CPA are usually all about anyway, and they do not want to "false leads".

How have you spent on advertising?

I have yet to test to see what is converting best. Then, we continue to reinvest what we do. (You can also simply say or you spend between $ 20 - $ 50 per day, it depends)

Are you with other affiliates?

If you say so. Now it is easy to file the names of the other CPA networks, as Neverblue Ads, Copeac, but beware, it does not happen often, but if something is not quite right in May, they ask Your case manager who is more. ... They compete and learn a little about other companies and which are the best managers. If this is your first CPA society just say so. In most cases, if you sound like you know what you're talking about, they will simply roll with you.

What is "vertical" do you promote?

Verticals jargon of the industry are for other products. Health and entertainment is always good, but just be prepared with information if they request more info.

What type of offering interests you?

Any product that converts well.

A definite no mention of e-mail marketing. They want to know how you are marketing without spamming and so on. Now, if you do e-mail marketing and know what you mean, then go ahead. This is a legitimate concern of theirs, even if you are compatible spam, its best not to mention something about email marketing.

If you are outside the United States and the implementation of the CPA Networks be sure to have websites in the United States. This put at ease. But do not try to cheat them. They can track where your leads are coming from, and if you signed the agreement that they do traffic outside the United States, do not waste your time trying to sneak in catches.

But we must not make a bigger deal that it really is, CPA Company just want to make sure that you are who you say you are and check your phone number, etc.

If you lost, move to another until the company agreed. You do not need to be with a company. Some have better offers, so that other purchases. And do not be afraid to come back later for companies that rejected you, with a little more experience on your belt, you will not feel nervous at all.

It's just a fact that the more you know what you do the more successful you will need to offer Internet marketing and CPA.

How to Track Multi-Year Grant Budgets in QuickBooks

Because Quickbooks budget covering a period, a problem facing the use of QuickBooks non-profit organizations is how to deal with multi-annual budgeting grants. Here are step by step instructions on the use of estimates of employment and to accomplish this:

1. Turn on the estimates of the Edit> Preferences> Jobs & Forecast> Company Preferences. May also want to turn you on progress if you billing billing of the grant in stages.

2. Creating a score for each funding agency and a job for each grant. Go to the customer and click on New Customer Center and employment.

3. Create double-sided use of items in each category of expenditure of the grant. Go to Lists> Item List, click Objects and select New. Make sure the card to both the revenue and expenditure by ticking the box "This service is used in assemblies or is performed by a subcontractor or partner".

4. Create a quote for each grant. Go to Customer> Create Estimates. Select clients: you created the job of the grant. Add a line for each category of expenditure that you created and enter your estimates of the rate of the column. You can use the column to add a margin% for overhead, but most funding agencies, like to see this place in a separate line.

5. You can send your estimate of your funding agencies as a grant proposal or the selection of the print or email. You can customize - change columns, headers / footers, etc. - by selecting Customize, then additional customization.

6. Once the grant is approved, you will consider in May to a sell order for you to keep track of records of grants or donations accepted. First, the function to Edit> Preferences> Sales & Customers> Comnpany preferences. Once you do, you can activate an estimate in a sell order by clicking the small arrow next to Create invoice.

7. Be sure to use the items you've created for each category of expenditure on all your purchase transactions. All forms of purchase (Enter Bills, Write Checks, credit card payments Entry) default tab expenditure, but there is a tab just to the right. Select the tab, enter the category of the fees you pay and enter the score: the use of the grant. If it is a reimbursement grant, maintain Billable verified. May you also activate the "Create invoices from a list of time and money" in the Edit> Preferences> Time & Expense> Company Preferences. Note: You can have both cost factors and the same purchase if you make a payment at the time of grant and no.

8. If you purchase or use of subcontractors for the grant, in May you want to use the order form. First, turn on the order form from the Edit> Preferences> Items and Inventory> Company Preferences. Once you do, you can convert a quote into an order form by clicking the small arrow next to Create invoice.

9. You can convert a quote to the invoice by selecting Create invoice. However, if you have an estimate of the orders, you must create the bill for the sell order instead. Otherwise, the command will always be open. If it is a remibursement grant, you must create an invoice to the client> Invoice time and expenses.

10. Use the estimates of employment in relation to actual detail report (Reports> Jobs, time and mileage) for your report on the budget for the grant. You can change the title of the report by clicking on Edit and select the Header / Footer tab. Other reports (depending on what you have additional features) are open for orders and jobs not invoiced by the costs of employment, both for the work as time and mileage, and orders of Open sales by the customer (Reports> Sales).

About the author
Ruth Perryman, MBA, CMA, CFE, CFM is a Certified Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisor and a solutions provider Intuit. She specializes in customizing QuickBooks Enterprise and POS. She can be reached at 800-707-0940 x101 or You can also follow on Twitter at

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Two lanes firewall comprehensive Windows Vista Security Features

Why a firewall is important?

Firewalls high quality security for network traffic from the Internet, network and user data that is dangerous for your PC. Firewalls set up a sense of security for users compared to previous versions of Windows operating systems. The lack of protection has caused many users to use third-party firewall for protection. The response from Microsoft has been released for Windows XP with a firewall for their operating system (OS). Many people were happy because of this innovation to the protection of spyware, adware, and other data that may affect your investment.

New version of Microsoft Windows Vista introduces a new, full-fledge Pack harnesses the power to protect PCs from unwanted data. The alliance with servers Longhorm helped produce firewall in Windows XP Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2.

More control of network traffic

Administrators can control the flow of network traffic and applications when using the Internet. This protects users against network attacks from viruses or spyware through the system. The final version of Windows Vista is planned for these additions, but it is currently in its testing phase for complete effectiveness. This high-end security is provided to help manage the total traffic without losing its effectiveness.

The "Two-Way Firewall earned its reputation because it can block and filter incoming and outgoing from data network. Administrators can send data control to prevent illegal access completed by most online pirates . Now you can be sure because of the ability of firewalls to keep information in the network on a style - if a VoIP system is installed, you can use this VoIP service to keep unwanted sources of network.

Two-Way Firewall Features:

Windows Vista and Windows Server Longhorn have integrated the following in their firewall for maximum protection. Some features are:

- Integration of security settings of Internet protocol and filtering firewall.

- Microsoft Management Console Snap In the user interface

- Result Filters incoming network traffic and

- The configuration of IP addresses, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), Active Directory directory service account and groups, Internet Control Message Protocol, IPv6 service and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

The firewall configuration:

Windows Vista firewall configuration is the responsibility of network administrators needs. If the network administrator creates a configurationt o block all traffic through the ports, you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars in damage. The default firewall is to block all ports used by viruses, spyware, adware and IP addresses that contain critical data. The other default settings of the firewall include:

-Block data, unless specific exceptions that correspond to one of the criteria,

-Allow all outgoing data only if it corresponds to an unauthorized criteria established by the network administrator.

If you are interested in configuring the firewall in Windows Vista using the firewall in the control panel. To achieve configurations, you should use a snap in the item entitled "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security." You must add the en-Span for access to the MMC. Currently, there is no designated console available. These developments are said to be available before the release.

Another easy route to configure the firewall from the command line. Enter the command nesh advfirewall context to access the control panel. The command line is not available in Windo XP with SP1 or SP2 and Windows 2003 Server.

You can not configure the new firewall policy for the group, because Windows XP with SP1 and SP2 and Windows Server 2003 ignores the settings, then use the old version of the firewall. Now the beta version of Windows Vista is not a rule to block or allow network traffic in Control Panel.

In the configuration of Group Policy, go to the computer> Configuration> Windows Settings> Security Settings> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security in Group Policy in the snap. The current Windows Firewall in ComputerConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesNetworkConnectionsWindowsFirewall.

New IPSec and firewall-based security features:

The security of its IP address has discouraged thousands of online discussion forums. Users have found that IP addresses are used to identify the personal computer with systems models, brands, and owners. Now, the need for IP security and firewall has been raised with Windows Vista Two-Way Firewall. IPSec is a set of standards that provides a high level of protection of IP traffic, which is essential in the file-sharing software who need to attract other IP addresses for important information.
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