Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

Learn how to store and share your files with Ajax

Use your personal space in their ajaxdocumentviewer.com. How? With lightning-like speed to jump into a colleague's computer and pull up the hard drive in your community website. Sign in to your account with a single username and password and bingo, the files are on the screen.

Remote backup the entire world knows that a backup of your files, but most people keep their computer and backup files in the same place.

Ever wonder what would happen if the computer and get your backup files destroyed by fire, flood or theft? Large companies spend a lot of money to keep their files archived on remote servers "just in case." Now you can do the same thing with your vital files at no cost.

If you've ever tried to email to a friend or huge pictures word document or PDF of your work, you know how long it took to send the email, and probably had returned the email saying that the message was delivered to large enterprises. When this situation occurs when you do not always have time and you need to get a file to a coworker immediately.

With the increase in online storage services, these nightmares are a thing of the past, technology and size of the files have been moved, if you need to share a Word document or your latest video creation is possible to send e-mail because of its size, but when you need a document viewer on load line or online storage services you want from time to time just to send some files and you do not want your colleague to have to register with a service pay only for your records.

Another problem with the increasing size of the files is the backup of this immense volume of data, the data do not fit on floppy disks or CD's more, due to file size, and you do not want to have to buy special hardware to copy security that would be good to have in the case. The backup tapes and CD's are old now, the computer grinds to a standstill while waiting for all files to be saved, is so slow that you can not use your computer until it ends. If you remember those days of copying files to floppies or CDs, and will welcome a solution.

The problem with technology is often very difficult to use, your friend or colleague will offer solutions that involve sharing files and WAN VPN and the things you want to understand, but all I want is a simple solution that does not mean rather than access to the Web.

If you need to access their work files from home or your home files from work or during your vacation then upload to online storage services for you. In their files are well maintained with the same level of encryption used by the military can access their files from the burden of safe online storage, knowing that your files are confidential and secure.

Store and share your files online using Ajax Document Viewer nothing more complicated than a web browser.

Remember to make backups of vital data is not a question of whether the data is lost, and when you will lose data. If you need to store and share files or backup their data to consider an online storage service of modern cargo and mail and forget about the CD.

Another great use for the service involves sharing digital pictures online. As file sizes grow with enhancements in digital photography, with a password protected site from a shared virtual album of photos of the family comes in very handy.

In case you are at a loss as to what type of large files you may want to share:

Employment file
Image files
Files you want to "transport" of the home office (and vice versa).

PDF is a binary file format that can not be edited with a text editor and usually have a. PDF. If I am a publisher, why should I create a PDF file? Therefore, the advantage of using a PDF file format is known in comparison with various word processing formats:

Format: When you send a PDF file that you are sure that the page contains the same format for all destinatary.

N of the virus: It is very difficult for a PDF file format includes some virus.

Edit the file: A great way to save space with PDF. In fact, people can choose the picture quality to regulate the size of your file.

Hyperlinks: PDF file has a link on a web page, users will get back to your website.

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